Why is Everyone Obsessed with Matcha?

January 22, 2021

Why is Everyone Obsessed with Matcha?

There's no doubt you've seen or heard of matcha. It's easy to find matcha in just about everything, from lattes, teas and even chocolates! But is all the hype actually worth it?
W H A T   I S   M A T C H A ?
Matcha is a finely ground powder grown and processed from green tea levels, traditionally consumed in East Asia. Unlike regular green tea, matcha is made from the tea plant Camellia Sinensis and is shade-gown for 3-4 weeks before harvest and the stems are removed during the processing. During this process, the plant produces more theanine and caffeine, which are both capable of improving mental function and stimulating the central nervous system (1). After the green tea leaves are ground into a highly-concentrated green powder it is typically consumed as a drink with water or milk. 
H E A L T H   B E N E F I T S 
A study by Weiss found that matcha has three times the amount of EGCG than regular green tea (2). EGCG is a catechin (a type of antioxidants) that is thought to have anti-inflammatory and protective properties. Matcha also improves relaxation and increases focus. It contains high levels of L-theanine, which promotes a sense of overall well-being and calmness.
Research has also shown that matcha can help boost brain function, specifically in terms of enhancing memory and improving attention and reaction time. Unlike the caffeine in coffee, matcha consumption does not involve the crash in energy levels that typically occur after drinking coffee. This is because matcha also contains a compound called L-theanine, which alters the effect of caffeine. This compound provides a more energizing and longer-lasting buzz, as well as slowing the release of caffeine, which has a calming and relaxing effect on the body.
H O W   T O   M A K E   A   M A T C H A   L A T T E 
|   serves 1  |
1 tsp matcha powder
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup milk of choice
Blender Method:
Bring water to a boil in a kettle, then let it sit for at least 5 minutes (you don’t want to use boiling water to make matcha).
Add matcha, water, and milk to the blender, and blend until smooth.
Manual Method: 
Bring water to a boil in a kettle, then let it sit for at least 5 minutes (you don’t want to use boiling water to make matcha)

Add matcha into a cup, add 1/2 cup water (just under a boil). Whisk vigorously until the tea is frothy.


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